
Reading Notes

Reading notes for CodeFellows courses.

Code 301 - Intermediate Software Development

  1. SMACSS and Responsive Web Design
  2. jQuery, Events, and The DOM
  3. Flexbox and Templating
  4. Responsive Web Design and Regular Expressions
  5. Heroku Deployment
  6. Node, Express, and APIs
  7. API’s Continued & REST
  8. SQL
  9. Refactoring
  10. The Call Stack and Debugging
  11. EJS
  12. Components
  13. Sending Form Data
  14. Database Normalization
  15. Diversity and Inclusion

Code 401 - Advanced Software Development

  1. Class 01
  2. Testing and Modules
  3. FileIO & Exceptions
  4. Class 04
  5. Linked Lists
  6. Game of Greed 1
  7. Game of Greed 2
  8. Game of Greed 3
  9. Game of Green 4
  10. Stacks and Queues
  11. Data Analysis
  12. Pandas
  13. Linear Regressions
  14. MatPlotLib
  15. Trees
  16. Web Scrapping
  17. Cryptography
  18. Automation