
jQuery, Events, and The DOM

JavaScript and jQuery

Source: JavaScript and jQuery by Jon Duckett

Simplies common JS tasks with full browser compatibility.


Select elements

Do something

DOM Comparison

Using jQuery

   <script src="js/jquery-1.11.0.js"></script>
   <script src="js/example.js"></script>


$(':header').addClass('headline'); //selects all h1-h6 headings, adds headline class
$('li:lt(3)').hide().fadeIn(1500); //select first 3 list items. Hide them. Fade into view.
$('li').on('click', function(){ //set event listener on each list item. On click, remove it.

Important considerations

Updating Elements

You can use and amend content by passing in a function as a param

   return '<em>' + $()this.text() + '</em>';

Inserting Elements

  1. Create new element in jQuery object
    • let $newElement = $('<li>') creates an empty list element assigned to $newElement
  2. Add to page
    • .before()
    • .after()
    • .prepend() / .appendTo()
    • .append() / .prependTo()

Getting and setting values/attributes

Getting and setting CSS properties


var backgroundColor = $('li').css('background-color');


$('li').css('background-color', '#272727');

// += to increase/decrease pixels
$('li').css('padding-left', '+=20');

//multiple properties w/ object literal
   'background-color': '#272727',
   'font-family': 'Courier'

Iteration / .each()

Perform one/more statement on each object in a selection (like a loop)

// run on all list elements
$('li').each(function(){ //anonymous function as param
   var ids =; // access id property of each li
   $(this).append(' <span class ="order">' + ids + '</span>'); //add new <span> after each li with its id listed
   //using $(this) here creates a jQuery object so you can use .append() method

Events / .on()

Handle all events! As usual, use a selector to create jQuery selection. Use .on() to indicate event to respond to.

$('li').on('click', function(){ //select all list elements, assign click handler, pass in anonymous function
   $(this).addClass('complete'); //when clicked, add complete class

.on() has two optional properties

.on(events[, selector][, data], function(e));

Delegating events

   var listItem, itemStatus, eventType;

      'click mouseover',
      {status: 'important'},
      function(e) {
         listItem = 'Item: ' + + '<br />';
         itemStatus = 'status: ' + + '<br />';
         eventType = 'Event: ' + e.type;
         $('#notes').html(listItem + itemStatus + eventType);

Event objects

Event handling functions recieve object event w/ methods & properties of the event

   $('li').on('click', function(e){ //give the event object a name!
      eventType = e.type; //get the type of the event!

Including the script

Pattern to load from a CDN

<script src="//"></script>

window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>')

Where to place?

6 Reasons for Pair Programming


Pair programming is the practice of 2 developers working together. One will “drive”: write the code; and one will “navigate”: provide ideas and feedback.

  1. Greater Efficiency
    • Slightly slower, but better code so it’s faster long term.
  2. Engaged collaboration
    • Increases focus (less likely to procrastinate/get off task)
    • Help avaliable, prevents blocks
  3. Learning from fellow students
    • Learn new approaches to solving problems
    • Learn new skill sets
  4. Social skills
    • Improves communication skill
    • Long term career benefit
  5. Job interview readiness
    • Pair programming used in interviews
  6. Work environment readiness
    • Many companies use pair programming
