Source: JavaScript and jQuery by Jon Duckett
Simplies common JS tasks with full browser compatibility.
(More common shorthand)$('').addClass('complete');
<script src="js/jquery-1.11.0.js"></script>
<script src="js/example.js"></script>
$(':header').addClass('headline'); //selects all h1-h6 headings, adds headline class
$('li:lt(3)').hide().fadeIn(1500); //select first 3 list items. Hide them. Fade into view.
$('li').on('click', function(){ //set event listener on each list item. On click, remove it.
only retrieves html from first li
retrieves the full list (because it includes descendents)
will apply to every list elementYou can chain methods
Check if page is ready with .ready()
// your code
// your code
You can use and amend content by passing in a function as a param
return '<em>' + $()this.text() + '</em>';
let $newElement = $('<li>')
creates an empty list element assigned to $newElement.before()
/ .appendTo()
/ .prependTo()
$('li#one').attr('id', 'hot')
var backgroundColor = $('li').css('background-color');
$('li').css('background-color', '#272727');
// += to increase/decrease pixels
$('li').css('padding-left', '+=20');
//multiple properties w/ object literal
'background-color': '#272727',
'font-family': 'Courier'
Perform one/more statement on each object in a selection (like a loop)
// run on all list elements
$('li').each(function(){ //anonymous function as param
var ids =; // access id property of each li
$(this).append(' <span class ="order">' + ids + '</span>'); //add new <span> after each li with its id listed
//using $(this) here creates a jQuery object so you can use .append() method
Handle all events! As usual, use a selector to create jQuery selection. Use .on() to indicate event to respond to.
$('li').on('click', function(){ //select all list elements, assign click handler, pass in anonymous function
$(this).addClass('complete'); //when clicked, add complete class
.on() has two optional properties
.on(events[, selector][, data], function(e));
Delegating events
var listItem, itemStatus, eventType;
'click mouseover',
{status: 'important'},
function(e) {
listItem = 'Item: ' + + '<br />';
itemStatus = 'status: ' + + '<br />';
eventType = 'Event: ' + e.type;
$('#notes').html(listItem + itemStatus + eventType);
Event handling functions recieve object event w/ methods & properties of the event
$('li').on('click', function(e){ //give the event object a name!
eventType = e.type; //get the type of the event!
Pattern to load from a CDN
<script src="//"></script>
window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>')
Where to place?
but this makes the page slow to load</body>
so page rendering unaffectedSource:
Pair programming is the practice of 2 developers working together. One will “drive”: write the code; and one will “navigate”: provide ideas and feedback.