

Source: Trees



Traversing Depth First

Prioritze going depth (height) first.

Common to use recursion to search, using the call stack to navigate back up after the end


  1. Pre-order - root » left » right
    • Print root, then search down left recursively
    • Once left is null, search down right recursively
    • When a leaf is hit, we pick up the rest of the function call
    ALGORITHM preOrder(root)
     // INPUT <-- root node
     // OUTPUT <-- pre-order output of tree node's values
     OUTPUT <-- root.value
     if root.left is not Null
     if root.right is not NULL
  2. In-order - left » root » right

    ALGORITHM inOrder(root)
     // INPUT <-- root node
     // OUTPUT <-- in-order output of tree node's values
     if root.left is not NULL
     OUTPUT <-- root.value
     if root.right is not NULL
  3. Post-order - left » right » root

    ALGORITHM postOrder(root)
     // INPUT <-- root node
     // OUTPUT <-- post-order output of tree node's values
     if root.left is not NULL
     if root.right is not NULL
     OUTPUT <-- root.value

Traversing Breadth First

Prioritze going breadth (width) first.

Traditionally uses a queue, instead of call stack/recursion

  1. Add root, A, to queue
  2. Dequeue node A to check it
  3. Enqueue left B and then right C
  4. B is now in front of queue
  5. Repeat!
    • Dequeue B
    • Enqueue D and E
ALGORITHM breadthFirst(root)
// INPUT  <-- root node
// OUTPUT <-- front node of queue to console

  Queue breadth <-- new Queue()

  while breadth.peek()
    node front = breadth.dequeue()
    OUTPUT <-- front.value

    if front.left is not NULL

    if front.right is not NULL

Binary Trees

Trees with only two children per node.

No specific sorting order by definition

Adding - Typical to fill all child spots, but not required. This would use ‘breadth’ first traversal

Big O Time: Adding is O(n).
Big O Space: Breadth first, O(w) w=wdith

Binary Search Tree

Trees where all nodes smaller than root are on left, larger on right.

Searching: Traverse side based on comparison to n

Best approach is a while loop until you hit leaf or node you’re searching for

Big O Time: Adding is O(h), h=height
Big O Space: O(1)